Friday, October 29, 2004

So, here I am in the tech lab for Music Theory. So far I have listened to an indepth political debate and finshed my senior project update. Not very music oriented is it?

It's been a very long week. TGIF, finally. I don't think I could have lasted much longer. And it's not even that I get to relax this weekend. En Contrare, I have a whole lotta shit to do. Yeah.

On to studying for my bio test next period.

Friday, October 15, 2004

Happy Halloween. And remember that while razor blades, chopped glass,
and rat poison are all low in carbs, they should all be eaten in

Notice from the Board of Common Knowledge.

Thursday, October 14, 2004


Wednesday, October 13, 2004

I am supposed to be working on my editorial project for journalism. Well... you all know how I feel about work. Especially work for journalism.

"Back when I was a kid, I was Bulimic."
"Ohmygawd, you can read minds?"

Heh, I love ya Chrissy.

I will be back (best if said if deep german accent)

Thursday, October 07, 2004

I was planning to put something to these effect in my zine. Here is the link,
My friend refrerenced to it once and it sparked my interest. Enjoy!


Ok, the damn filters on the school computers will not let me access my school file so I'm just going to have to save my work to this blog. For those of you who were interested in what I was learning in school, this is it.
1. What is albumin and what is the role of albumin in blood.
Albumin- most common protein in the blood
Responsible for most of the blood colloid osmotic pressure
Transports many hydrophobic organic molecules through blood
Used as a source of metabolic energy during starvation, leads to bloating.

2. What is the normal range of albumin in blood serum?
The normal range for Albumin is 3.4 to 5.4 g/dL.
3. Research 3 disorders related to abnormal albumin levels in the blood serum. Valid reaserch and specificity is required.

Lower-than-normal levels of albumin may indicate:
ascites -Ascites is excess fluid in the space between the membranes lining the abdomen and abdominal organs (the peritoneal cavity).
glomerulonephritis-Glomerulonephritis is a type of kidney disease caused by inflammation of the internal kidney structures (glomeruli).
liver disease-The term "liver disease" can apply to many diseases and disorders that cause the liver to function improperly or cease functioning. Ex. Cirrhosis is the result of chronic liver disease that causes scarring of the liver (fibrosis - nodular regeneration) and liver dysfunction. This often has many complications, including accumulation of fluid in the abdomen (ascites), bleeding disorders (coagulopathy), increased pressure in the blood vessels (portal hypertension), and confusion or a change in the level of consciousness (hepatic encephalopathy).
malabsorption -Malabsorption is difficulty in the digestion or absorption of nutrients from food substances.
nephrotic syndrome - Nephrotic syndrome is a constellation of signs and symptoms including protein in the urine (exceeding 3.5 grams per day), low blood protein levels, high cholesterol levels, and swelling. The urine may also contain fat, which is visible under the microscope.
4. What might your Unknown concentration indicate if it were a human sample?

If you know the answer to any of these questions, email me at

Mark out

Monday, October 04, 2004

I will never speak of Milkmen again. Ever!

OK, let's write a story.

Once upon a time, there was a very plain girl from Switzerland who became an exchange student to America. She like America a lot and grew up to be the Switz embassador. The End.

I'm not really in the mood for writing anything longer. In fact I am only writing this post to entertain me in the time it takes to load this one movie my good friend Diana recommended. She says that it was werid, very werid. I'll give a complete reveiw of it once it's finshed.

Movies I watched this weekend.
Sugar and Spice
Save the Last Dance
Sky Captain and the world of tomorrow
the 60s verision of Manchurian Canidate
Evil Dead
and The Three Amigos

And I plan on watching Princess Monoke this morning...

Man, I love movies.

My little webfilm is ready, good night everybody!