Mark, the unfortunately named female
If you want to know, read on. If you don't want to know, leave. If you don't know if you want to know or not, see your doctor to see if psycotic drugs are right for you.
Saturday, May 22, 2004
Monday, May 17, 2004
Friday, May 14, 2004
My school had an art show yesterday and I had promised my one friend who had artwork in it that I would go. The art show itself was set up in the lobby and at 7:30 there was a choir concert. I had also promised a friend that I would sit with him since he couldn't find anyone else. All and all it was a wonderful evening. The art show was amazing. The pure talent of some of these kids is awe-inspiring. And the choir concert was quite nice two. I'm afraid that I might have ruined it for mike but constantly commentarying, but that's what I do at these sorts of things.
One girl that sang an entire song was especially good. I know her personally and she is exactly to sort of person that you could hate to the core of your being with an undieing passion if she wasn't the sweetest thing you've ever met. She amazingly pretty, smart, funny, popular, talented, and now she's one of the best singers I have heard in a good long time. Man I wish I could be like that.
I have just finished reading Madame Bovary. I liked it a lot but not so much that I would continue to explore french literature. The french culture is notoriously depressing and heavy. Nothing that I need at this time of my life. Madame Bovary wasn't bad at all, in fact, compared to Julius Caeser which I read earlier this year it was straight up cheerful. If I was to ever meet Emma, the main character of the book, I would have to slap her. She had such high expectations for life and love that she could not be satisfied. She would suddenly get an idea in her head and she would follow it passionitly until she reliezed that this wasn't all that there was to life. Then she would drop it like yesterday's potatoes. The novel itself was beatifully written. The translation I read was very poetic and lovely. I believe it was done my Milard. Oh well, that doesn't matter.
As a change of pace I have started to read Catch-22. My english teacher highly suggested it. So far I enjoy it and look forward to continuing.
I get a lot of shit for picking my reading material from the engligh teacher's shelves, but the books are worth it.
Sunday, May 09, 2004
Right. So... okay. This is a blog. Right? And I'm the writer of said blog. And I'm supposed to write a whole lot of cool and interesting stuff in here. But I don't feel like it right now.
My brother is here. Ben. He just got divorced. It only took a year. That's pretty good, right?
So, I'm going to go now....
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
My last entry was much to emo. I was very tired and downtrodden when I wrote it. I must me happier in the future.
Well, there is another story you call can hear about. I warn you, this one is from the daily life of Mark herself. It involves a boy. A very nice boy. That I like quite a bit.
and so does my best friend Olay.
H o l y....SHIT!
Yah. So. That sucks.
But we both talked it over and were very mature about the whole thing. We decided that since the boy in question is to shy to ask either of us out, if he even liked one of us, that we would not let this come between our friendship. Olay was pushing me to accept such an offer if it was given, but I feel as though it is my friendly-duty to reject. That is, of course, provided he asked me. Olay has told me that she would do just that if he were to ask her and I should do the same.
But if he were to ask her and she were to decline, I would feel guilty for stopping what might have been.
And if he were to ask me....
uh oh.
mark out